Simply put, at Sagicor Bank, we know that digital is the future of banking. According to the United Nations, digital technologies have advanced more rapidly than any other innovation in history, impacting approximately 50% of the developing world and transforming life as we know it, in just two decades.
Given the world’s current trajectory, we can only expect our lives to become more digital, at an increasingly rapid pace. This certainly comes with many implications, and of course, hesitations as well. In a world of deep-fakes, Instagram filters and widespread misinformation largely disseminated via online platforms, sometimes digital transformation can feel extremely daunting.
But that’s why at Sagicor Bank (Barbados), the region’s first digital bank, we know that going digital does not mean losing our humanity. Yes, we do indeed believe the future of banking is digital, but more importantly, we believe that it is people-focused and human-centred.
While banking is our business, improving the day-to-day lives our of clients is our raison d’être. And it starts by meeting our clients where they are. We know that a 100% digital bank (neobank) is a new phenomenon for many in this part of the world. Moreover, Barbadians are extremely discerning, so it’s imperative that we make an excellent case for them, and very clearly articulate the benefits of a fully digital banking experience.
In addition, we keep our clients safe and secure, by obsessively focusing on managing and mitigating cybersecurity risks.
Barbadians have long been on the path towards a digital revolution. It might seem counter intuitive, but we are already extremely digital. Obviously, we know this is true of Gen-Z and Millennials, but it is also true of Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers. Though you might be more likely to find Gen-Z on Snapchat and TikTok, Gen- Xers maintain a very robust presence on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.
Furthermore, per a recent local newspaper report, in Barbados broadband penetration is over 70%, and mobile phone penetration almost 100% across the adult population. We are also busier and have less time to spend in bank lines, in front of bank tellers or waiting for loan approvals.
At Sagicor Bank, we are designing a banking experience that speaks to the needs of the modern Barbadian consumer, operating in a modern, global and inclusive world. Our solutions are fit for purpose and progress, and we will amaze and delight you by putting your bank - Sagicor Bank - in the palm of your hand.
The future of banking is officially right here, right now —and it’s Sagicor Bank (Barbados) Limited!